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The Meeting will be held in Heraklion, Ibis Styles Heraklion Central Hotel.
A. Koroneou 26 & Agiou Titou, 71202, Heraklion Crete
T. +30 2810 28 20 20
W. https://centralhotelheraklion.com/
E. HA9P7@accor.com


Important Dates

Meeting: 18-20 October 2024
Abstracts Submission Deadline: 16 September 2024


ENGLISH is the official language of the Meeting.

Trade Exhibition

An exhibition of scientific products, pharmaceuticals, instruments, equipment and relevant materials will be organized at the Meeting Venue.

CME Accreditation

The Panhellenic Medical Association will accredit the Meeting.

Certificate of Attendance

A certificate of attendance will be sent to each registered participant, after the end of the Meeting.

Slide and PC Reception

A slide and PC reception desk for acceptance and checking of slides and PC disks will be located nearby the Meeting Hall. All slides and PC disks should be clearly labeled with the author’s name and session’s name. Speakers are kindly requested to hand out their slides or their PC disks at least 1 hour prior to their respective presentation.

Secretariat & Hospitality Desk

The Meeting Secretariat desk will be located nearby the Meeting Hall and will operate throughout the Meeting hours.


For any information with regards to Abstracts Submission, Scientific Program, Participation to the Meeting or any further information you might need, you may contact:

T: +30 210 3634944 E-mail: info@era.gr, www.era.gr